Leading with Grace & Resilience

A 5 day Transformational Leadership Retreat for Women

13th - 17th May 2024

In the beautiful regenerative farmland of 42 Acres, Somerset, England

Join our 5-day residential immersion for this  transformative experience, connecting and collaborating with like-minded women to catalyse change in your life and organisation. Drawing on over 40 years of acquired expertise in transformation and culture change we integrate healing methodologies, neuroscience, psychology and somatic training with a focus on developing feminine principled leadership. This highly interactive programme ensures immediate application of your insights and learnings, whilst gaining new skills and resources for maximum impact on your leadership and life.

How will you bring about the change you wish to see in the world?

Leading with Grace & Resilience is for business leaders, senior executives, and entrepreneurs who know ‘the way we’re working isn't working’. For those who are committed to shaping the future, in the stunning environment of 42 acres which will enable a reset on every level.

“The two primary elements of Grace and Resilience co-exist as a condition for dynamic, creative and powerful feminine leadership.”

About the event

Grace and Resilience are primary elements that co-exist as a condition for dynamic, creative and powerful feminine leadership. 

This is a time to develop radical mastery of your inner world to bring about the transformation needed in your life, organisation and the wider world. 

Grace is the divine energy that moves through every living system. It is a potent resource we can utilize to bring about personal, societal and organsational transformation in a world that often makes no sense.  The power of grace becomes a source for us to stay the course, to hold faith in ourselves and navigate these uncertain times.

Resilience is the capacity to hold complexity and paradox; to feel both joy and sorrow, to experience the suffering of another without being consumed by those feelings, to embrace challenges even when there seems to be no way through,  to live in ‘the gap’ of the current reality, and the  future we aspire to. 

The venue

The retreat will take place at the beautiful 42 acres, wellbeing retreat and regenerative farm stay.  It is both nurturing and luxurious, an opportunity to be close and reconnect to nature. You will have time to explore some of the 173 acres of flora and fauna and at 42 Acres, including the ancient woodlands, lakes and meadows.

We will spend most of our time together in the main house ‘The Hermitage’ where the rooms are elegantly designed for optimal comfort and to nourish all of your senses. 

The Five Pillars of Grace & Resilience

During our five days together you will learn how to integrate the power of  ‘deep feminine’ wisdom in balance with the potency of ‘deep masculine’ energy.  Both qualities are needed to bring about the change you wish to see in your life, organisation and in the wider world.

Register for your place - spaces are limited

Areas of concern we hear from our clients

  1. The pandemic and long periods of isolation we endured had  a huge impact  on our personal wellbeing and professional lives.  As we establish new ways of working, we are facing a chaotic uncertain future.  For some these confounding challenges has meant overwhelm and burnout whilst others see this disruptive time as an opportunity for transforming the way we live and lead. This is the time to let go of the old and rebuild the best version of you, are you ready?

  2. Over the course of a lifetime we have adopted beliefs and ways of being in order to fit in and belong.  We shaped ourselves to fit into a world that was not designed for women nor valued the feminineHowever, your  past need not  determine your future. What are the stories you need to stop telling about yourself?

  3. The paradigm of patriarchy has hindered us all, personally and professionally.  We did everything that society asked of us, we worked hard  for our place at the table and fought for our rights.  Yet with all we have achieved there remains a feeling of ‘not enoughness’.  Do you have faith and confidence in who you are and what you bring?  Is this the time to rebuild what you may have lost?

  4. Whether starting a movement, building a business or leading an organisation, leaders need imagination to envision the future, a bold commitment to that future, and action aligned with their aspiration to turn vision into reality.  Will you give yourself this time and space to reconnect to your essence, tap into your inner wisdom and design your future?

  5. Transformation begins with you,  from within. A shift in consciousness is needed to adopt new perspectives that enable you to create change in your life and organisation..  Equipped with new skills, resources and methodologies you can catalyse transformation.  How can you embody feminine principled leadership that is so crucial for these times?

This workshop is for

  • Transforming Limiting Beliefs: Challenge inherited beliefs that have constrained you and dissolve persistent patterns of behavior ingrained in the current patriarchal system that no longer serve your growth.

  • Harnessing 'Soft Power': Understand and leverage 'power with' versus ‘power over’ as an approach to unlock your full leadership potential by utilising the 5 intelligences.

  • Revolutionising Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Learn a groundbreaking approach to diversity, equality, and inclusion to instigate a culture change within your business or organisation.

  • Cultivating Courage and Presence: Developing these attributes through somatic embodied experience of presence necessary to lead with power, actively shaping the future.

  • Restoring Integrity: Aligning body, heart, and mind to restore wholeness in your  life, through self-care and soul-care practices. 

  • Connecting to Your True Essence: Rediscover and connect with what matters most to you, enabling you to live authentically and lead from a place of authenticity.

  • Returning to Joy: Reconnecting to the feeling of being truly alive in your body, in touch with your sensuality, living life to the fullest

  • Declaring your Stand: Clearly articulating what you stand for and design an integrated life plan in line with that stand that transforms your dreams and vision for the future into reality.

Retreat details and cost

5 Day Transformational Women’s Leadership immersion

Dates: 13th – 17th May 2024

Arriving on Monday, May 13th - Departing Friday, May 17th from 2pm

Location: 42 Acres, Somerset, UK https://www.42acres.com


Cost of the Retreat: £2,850 GBP

10% deposit on registration with final payment due by 15th April

Fee includes: 

  • Five days and evenings of immersion into deep soulful work 

  • Five nights accomodation in the beautiful rooms and surroundings of 42 Acres 

  • All meals lovingly prepared by the 42 acres chefs made with premium ingredients that nourish body and soul

  • Water, woodlands and pastures for walks that will energetically recharge you as you reconnect with nature 

  • Space and time to reflect, journal and bring healing to  body, mind and spirit

  • Daily schedule starting with morning meditation and yoga

  • An evening cacao fire circle 

  • Sharing groups / circles 

  • A Leading with Grace and Resilience Workbook

  • Resource material that will support you on this journey and in the future, along which will be held on our Sutra community platform

This price does not include any travel costs.


Four follow up coaching sessions: £1,000 GBP

Each session will support you in bringing your aspirations into reality.  A combination of business advice, personal coaching and mentoring as needed post the retreat

Find out more - get in touch

Your facilitator

Karen Downes

Social entrepreneur, Author, System change & transformation expert, Founder of The Flourish Initiative, Co-Founder FemmeQ.

I have had the privilege of working with amazing leaders around the world for over 4 decades.  I have learned that taking time out to recalibrate, regenerate and reassess is essential in life and leadership.  

Throughout my life, I have transitioned careers many times by following my intuition, listening to my heart, committed to making a difference. In my 20s, my focus was on healing.  As a trained practitioner I became a pioneer in the Aromatherapy industry in Australia, building a start-up business into a multi-million-dollar enterprise.  Over the course of 13 years, we touched the lives of thousands of people, empowering women to be their own healer, through our products, workshops and training programmes.  The company was built upon and thrived on feminine principled leadership. I paralleled my role as company director, being an activist for social change, working with The Hunger Project in India and Bangladesh to end the subjugation and marginalisation of women.

 Since moving to London in 2003, I have been designing and facilitating leadership development programmes, focused on culture change and transformation. I have experienced the contrasts of working with women, leading with feminine principles to working with men in the extractive industries of oil & gas and mining. I have learned that both the feminine and masculine are needed but we overvalue the masculine in business, with many women having adapted to survive the corporate world and sacrificing their feminine qualities, only permitted in their private lives.

I hope you will join me in this transformative business retreat, where we will focus on restoring the balance of the feminine with the masculine, deep personal work with business mastery. This retreat is a fusion of personal and professional development, I have come to see they are one of the same.  Transformation of our societal systems and business starts with the transformation of ourselves.

Karen Downes

https://www.theflourishinitiative.com / https://femmeq.org

Next steps

Seen enough and would like to join us? Please register below and pay your 10% deposit.

Or if you have further questions, please do get in touch - we are more than happy to answer them!

Testimonials from previous retreats


  • From my years working in the area of system change and transformation I have created a breakthrough approach to the issue of diversity, equality, and inclusion to instigate a culture change within your business or organisation.

  • You will find the key objectives of the retreat in more detail in the section above ‘The Workshop is for’ along with the 5 day programme that provides details of each day

  • There are unique features in the design and experience of this programme that are distinct to our work, by focusing on an inside out approach to transformation, you will dissolve old patterns that have held you back and ways of being you have unconsciously adopted to be successful, but no longer serve you in this time of great challenge and uncertainty

  • We are working on multiple levels in this work, by harnessing the power of somatic intelligence, increasing self-awareness, raising consciousness, building capacity of true resilience, and developing a greater sense of agency to have impact in all areas of your life

  • You will immediately have a new perspective about yourself and what is possible in your life, you will notice a difference in how you show up in meetings, in your relationships and in the actions you take. You will experience a greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.

  • We always find there are remarkable synergies between the women who participate in Grace and Resilience. You will have the opportunity to become part of the FemmeQ community through our online platform.

  • Please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and so we can ensure your time with us is easy and welcoming. Please email us here.

  • Then please do get in touch with us via email, we’d love to answer your questions. You can send us an email here.